LoveMySkool | Features | Mastery Learning


A personalized and unique pedagogical approach to achieve higher learning outcomes.

Mastery Learning

Mastery learning is a set of teaching and learning strategies that propose that students can achieve mastery in a topic if they receive optimal quality of instruction and time. LoveMySkool offers features to implement mastery learning for your students.

Learning Goals

LoveMySkool provides a framework where teachers can use existing standards (such as Common Core and NGSS) or create custom standards and build Goals for the students.

These Goals are then associated to multiple learning activities that a student performs within LoveMySkool- Pages, Videos, Assignments, Tests, and Discussions. Teachers have an option to configure weightage for each of these learning activities and define Proficiency Levels.

Proficiency Reporting

Monitor student participation and performance against goals per the configured standards. This data empowers teachers to make informed decisions by identifying areas (Goals) where students require additional guidance for gaining better learning outcomes.

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