LoveMySkool | Features | Videos


Videos stay in the subconscious longer than text and pictures do, ensuring better learning outcomes.

Video surpasses Pictures

A dedicated video library with all playback features

Videos make learning and grasping easier for students. You can create a video library which is easily accessible and search friendly. The videos now have rich playback features which include reversing or forwarding 10 seconds.

Sequential Video Playback

All videos around the topic, in a sequence

Continuity is an integral part of any lesson. Videos on a specific topic can be put together in a specific sequence so that learners can be given a self-guided learning experience.

Quizzes and More

Questions after the video

It is important to test the learning in order to reinforce them. Questions from the question bank can be attached to the video. Additionally, a setting can ensure that a student can go to the next video only after answering the questions.

Pre-requisites for a Class

Learn some before you learn more

Pre-learning ensures better understanding of the topic. A particular video can be made a prerequisite for the learners to attend an online class so that they can join the class only if the prerequisites have been fulfilled.

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