Almost like an internal social media page for the school
Wall posts are much more effective than the usual social media group pages because you can send out messages to a target group. This ensures that students only see what’s relevant to them. No information overload!
Don’t miss sending out notifications; automate some of them
You can let students receive automatic posts for activities such as assignments that are due. This helps reduce the time you spend on routine tasks and keep your focus on learning activities.
This is where differentiated learning needs get catered
LoveMySkool allows sending posts to a specific student or to group of students. Teachers do run into scenarios where they need to communicate more frequently with certain students and LoveMySkool is designed to help with that.
Internal messaging is a mailbox inside LoveMySkool
No need to remember email addresses as LoveMySkool lets you send out internal messages by searching the name of the student. The message trail stays with the school even if the teacher leaves the institute.